On May 22, 2017, Texas Monthly unveiled its new list of the top 50 BBQ restaurants in Texas.  A man has to have goals, so here's mine:  I'm going to visit all 50 of these restaurants before 2020 even if it kills me, which it won't because it's smoked beef, God's most perfect food.

So why call the blog "Fat Man with a Little Smoke?"  Easy. That's how I feel after leaving a BBQ restaurant. There's no denying it...I put on my fat man jorts when I head out for 'cue and swim through the pillowy clouds of smoke when I'm there. Maybe dab a little brisket and smoke behind my ears for good measure. When I leave, I want it to feel like I'm being chased by the smokin' bovine ghost that's blanketing the insides of my belly.

Oh yeah, then there's this "Fat Guy in a Little Coat"...

The rules of my quest are as follows:

1. I must personally visit each restaurant to have a true experience, even if I've been there before.

2. My focus is always on the brisket and the sausage.  I'm not here to rate the sides and I will NEVER douse the meat in sauce.

3. I will muse about what I experience at each place and what I like and don't like.  These aren't reviews, these are experiences. Texas Monthly has already rated these places, the least I can do is add a little color.

4. All opinions are my own.  A good friend of mine once said, "When it comes to Tex-Mex food, you've got your tastes, I've got mine."  This is good advice, and I think it applies to BBQ too.  My tongue is my BBQ divining rod, keep yours to yourself.  Or as another friend more eloquently stated, "True men don't argue about taste in BBQ, beer or women."

5. There will be talk of beer and music.  Unless I can't find any beer at the BBQ joint, which shockingly has happened.

This is the Texas Monthly BBQ passport, which is my guide for the next few years. I will be taking the passport with me as I go around the state to collect a stamp at every BBQ stop.  Once I hit 50, I get a bunch of prizes from Yeti.  I have until 2020 to achieve the feat, but I can't imagine it will take that long although half of that time could be spent in the line at Franklin's.

Wish me luck!


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